Audio guides have long been the staple of museums and cultural heritage sites to assist their audiences. However, the way visitors use technology at cultural sites is changing quickly, and the younger generations especially are increasingly using their smartphones and devices as sources of information and education.

Apps can be excellent tools to engage with this new generation of visitors and the more streamlined the service, the better – that’s why by using the most effective strategies, CloudGuide unites all the cultural sites and monuments into a single, easy-to-use platform.

Reasons to join CloudGuide:
Hygiene. Visitors are more hygiene concerned now – no one want to use the audioguide touched by someone else before. So you might have to invest into plastic bags, sanitizers and gloves for your audioguides. CloudGuide takes this headache away from you and helps you go deviceless – visitors can use their own phone.
Exposure. CloudGuide unites all the tourist attractions in one app, therefore you can get exposure to the visitors of all the other sites you will be sharing the platform with. Join over 1000 cultural institutions from 26 countries already on the platform.
Revenue. Audioguide is a value add for your visitors that can make their experience more engaging and memorable. Therefore, visitors are happy to pay for it. Get access to a new revenue source with zero investment.
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